Follow Up and dissemination pages and activities

In this page we are going to explain the wat of follow up and dissemination of each organisation since is difficult to give so much information separately for each organisation that we are going to have to the project. As we mentioned already in many equations related to the project's organisations had from before an active productive discussion for completing the application, so each organisation suggested their plan for follow up and dissemination of the activities. Here we will give in detailed suggestion for each organisation.

Greece - Applicant organisation (INPLANET)

INPLANET would engage their young participants, after a complete preparation and guidance, will be able to use their knowledge by organizing questionnaires, promotional material, interviews, or personal statements, where they will be able to transfer the experience, they acquired during the implementation of the program at the present and the future. The project will give them a chance to aware to involve in decision-making centers, to raise their awareness about environmental life, to develop the right of living in a healthy environment and having a healthy life for all people in the world, to give them skills and improve their skills in critical thinking and decision making and to encourage other young people to respect the environment. Also, to encourage youth in their local society to engage in occupations that have to do with the green economy, thus contributing to the problem of unemployment as well as to give them the chance to entrepreneurship with their ideas about the environment and to increase their potentials, with new ideas and maybe new companies about the circular economy.

Since youth leaders from applicant organisation will be teachers in high schools, which they are cooperating with our organisation, they are going to promote the results through their identity to schools and also activities that they learned from the implementation of the project will be exposed again and will implement them with students in high schools.

INPLANET own website and the Facebook pages, our participants own Facebook pages, media contacts from Greece, email lists for organizations will help us to spread information about project as wide as possible.

To wider share the results of the project, we will implement following activities:

1) Spread local newspapers articles in combination of photos before and after the program.

The articles will have text: "the Project is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme".

2) Spread project photos and video with the Erasmus+ logo through our site and Facebook pages.

3) Spread video of the project with project logo with the text: "the Project is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme" in INPLANET's YouTube Channel.

4) Implement local and international project ideas, which will be developed by us so that our friends and other motivated people back in our countries can also participate in similar youth exchange as we did.


Cyprus will represent the results of the project during our NGO meetings, which take place every six months, to inform our members and other youth workers about our program. Also, the results will be disseminated through the Ministry of Education and Culture, through the festivities of Youth Board of Cyprus and through local communities' councils. As a special dissemination in Cyprus we are going to arrange a lecture in Cyprus Institute during SCYENCE Fair in 2023. This lecture was arranged to be with other youth workers of our organization who organize similar programs or take part in programs with other topics such as coaching and environmental entrepreneurship, and generally programs that have to do with Non-Formal activities and environmental problems in all aspects.

For the results of the environmental policy of the program to be known and to continue to have an impact in the future, a similar activity will be organized at the National Conference of Students and teachers for the Sciences and the Environment, which is organized every year in Cyprus with more than 1500 participants students, as well as teachers from all over Cyprus. Through the promotion of the activity and the results at the conference and through the open page that will exist so all to be able to obtain all the necessary data for the educational activity, we hope to continue for a long time to influence the results and products of our program. 

NGO ACPELIA CYPRUS will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages:


The G.F. Abela Junior College's dissemination of results plan focuses on the following main points:

1. Participants' outreach

2. Social media & communication platforms

3. Local Media

4. Participant organiations' networks and contacts

The results will be made available online through the official communication channels / online platforms of the Junior College, and shared with like -minded organisations, youth related organizations, educational insitutions locally and abroad, as well as the the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform. Similar organisations will be able to view project results and take example of best practices in view of helping them organise similar activities.

The College official online tools such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, will be of particular use and will serve the purpose of project dissemination and raising awareness. Similarly, the same content will be shared with the University of Malta community.

The Maltese local media will receive reports about the activities carried out to publish, both online and in printed newspapers. On an organizational level, we will share material internally and with colleagues, and through external networks.

News articles will be published throughout the project, when significant results have been achieved, e.g. following a youth exchange activity. The results, methodologies and tools which have specifically been developed and used during the two exchange programmes as part of this project, will be uploaded on the official project website, and will be shared with other organisations and youth workers across Europe (through the SALTO network).

An important aspect would be the sharing of best practices in the specific field of the project, such as sharing activity organisation tips in the field of social entrepreneurship, youth activism, civil engagement, with the aim of extending the impact to others actors in our community.


Project will be promoted on web page and web page of cooperating organizations and on facebook of them.

Coordinator with participants will create a posters and movies using different Internet applications: for example

The products will be posted on web pages of the organization and supporting organizations.

Article will be published in International Magazine: 

The results will be shared with educators from schools of participants, with young people from the region, country and world and with their parents, other cooperating organizations.


Covid-19 has pushed us to do all of our activities in the open, even we were very active even before in this topic. Slowly it has opened new doors for us, allowing us to try new types of activities with young people and /R was one of the directions that has proven to be very interesting and many of our members very gladly take part and new youngsters join. We invite young people to take very active part in planning the activities after exchanges by providing them the space and place to implement them. It will be also done after and in between you YE organized within this project. Our members will be supporting the implementation of small local activities in 7R that is a core of our NGO youthwork. We will share our results with the local government, other NGOs that we implement activities with and schools who are involved in any of the "R" activities. We plan to organize at least one activity in all the areas of circular economy and "R" letters that are promoted by this project because our youngsters are very interested in this. Also, we have organized these types of activities before, with elderly members of our local communities and unemployed so this might be a good direction for promotion of this project too.

Association for community development Kreaktiva (Croatia). will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages:


ASSOCIAÇÃO NÓ GÓRDIO (Portugal) will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages:

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