In the project participated 6 organisation with 8 participant per organisation. Partners organisations and contact persons are the following
- INSTITOUTO POLITISMOU LAOGRAFIAS ATHLITISMOU KAI NEON TEHNOLOGION (Greece), Dimitrios Souliotis email: inplanetgreece@gmail.com
- Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, Nikolas Nikolaou email: nicckolas44@gmail.com
- Zespół Szkół Salezjańskich DON BOSCO we Wrocławiu (Poland). Contact person: Magdalena Szewczyk, email: iwroc@salezjanie.pl; m.szewczyk@salez-wroc.pl
- Association for community development Kreaktiva (Croatia). Contact Person: Sanela Ravlic, email: sanelaaaaa@gmail.com; udruga.kreaktiva@gmail.com
- ASSOCIAÇÃO NÓ GÓRDIO (Portugal). Contact Person: Albino Pereira, email: anogordio@gmail.com; albinomnp@gmail.com
- .F. Abela University of Malta Junior College. Contact person: Boryana Chaneva, email: boryana.chaneva@um.edu.mt