Partner organisations

Zespol Szkol Salezjanskich DON BOSCO we Wroclawiu (POLAND)
Zespol Szkol Salezjańskich is co-educational comprehensive school meeting the needs of children of all abilities from 3-19 years. The school has existed since 2017. It includes a Salesian kindergarten, as well as a Salesian elementary school, middle school and high school. All these units are public, so it will be possible to save them free of charge children or youth from both entire Wrocław and other parts of the Lower Silesia Voivodship. School .
The school is built on the basis of Private Salesian High School, from where it draws its didactic background. The teaching staff comes from Private Salesian High School.
The school strives to ensure that every student personally experiences a happy atmosphere that will help them to leave the school with a high level of confidence in their own abilities, as well as excellent examination results. These goals are delivered through a strong pastoral system, excellent learning and teaching and an extensive range of sporting, cultural, physical and social extra-curricular activities.
The school offers opportunities for students involvement in activities which take place after school, at weekends and at holiday time. The salesian school has equipped laboratories for the study of nature, theater halls. Students from film club run radio broadcasts, interviews. Salesian School aims to use new technologies in education, the development of ICT skills among students and teachers. Therefore classrooms are equipped with boards InterWrite. Teachers have received training in the use of this tool in their work.
Students during film and radio clubs create films, broadcasts using various computer programs and are taught to perform professionally photograph and manipulate them.Videos are posted on youtube channel TVSLO WROC.
The school took first place in the V National Student Film Review 2013; Third Prize in the category of amateur films at the XXIX International Catholic Film Festival and Multimedia - Niepokalanów 2014.
Our school took first place in the National Competition "From Radio Free Europe to the free Polish. 100. hundredth anniversary of the birth of Jan Nowak-Jeziorański" on the radio report.
Students participated in photography club did their own exhibition.
Zespol Szkol Salezjańskich has very rich activities for students: students participate in ecological project led by Polish Ecological Club.
The school is organizer regional competition: ZLOTE PIORO ( In the competition students prepared their own essays. The Best ones where awarded.
The school cooperates with SP6ZWR. Rescue Spaces Club. They jointly organized the flight of the stratospheric balloon and ARISS Project where students contacted directly by radio wave to astronaut on International Space Stadion.
The school has organized science lectures since 2003 in the framework of the League of Science, which invites all schools of Wroclaw. The lecture done at schools are recorded and located on youtube. After all lectures researcher scientists provide interview to students.

Udruga za razvoj zajednice "Kreaktiva" (CROATIA)
The association was founded to improve and advance the status and quality of life for youth in the community and the protection of social rights of other members of vulnerable groups - children, people with disabilities, the elderly, women and the unemployed.
Aim of the NGO is to provide support to community development through capacity building of each individual practical application of modern methods, to strengthen the capacity of non-profit, for-profit and public sectors on the basis of cooperation and partnership in the development of different services on a local and regional level.
We are striving toward a vision - through establishment of good cooperation and linking different sectors we are trying to contribute to development of civil society as a whole.
In the past 3 years we have implemented and also took part in several projects and trainings that partially or fully addressed the topic of this youth exchange which enabled us to work more efficiently with our youngsters but also to create networks with other organisations across Europe in order to bring new knowledge and skills to our communities where we work with young people in rural areas where we have quite a lot deprived young people and/or without proper skills. We have implemented several YE regarding better empowerment of young people and ecology, preservation of nature in our region since it is very important to allow young people to learn more about their role in the society and take action from an early age with support of their peers and other stakeholders in their local community - MOVA YP" (KA1 - 31 participant), Human values from A to Z, H2O and GREEN CHOICE."MOVA YP" was a 9 days youth exchange for young people in difficult position and less opportunities (16-25 years) where we have implemented series of activities that allowed young people to test themselves and also learn more about their own and others personal beliefs, standards and values and how they want their local community to look like. After the exchange they were taking these ideas back to their homes and schools, local community where they made it happenWe have implemented another project in 2016 "Human values from A to Z" which was a youth exchange for young people from rural area that lasted 12 months and had several steps. Our members visited Belgium and their young people came to Croatia. We constructed several activities for them in order to empower them to become "small change agents" in their rural communities in the future regarding different values and how they can help young people in rural areas to change their perspective, thus their future. Some of the ideas were also related to climate change and also ecology in general. We do not push them to any topic but try to facilitate the process depending on where they wantt o put their attetion at.H2O - was a Youth exchange with the overall goal of the project is to raise awareness of different issues through informal education and to include several related topics such as human rights, advocating for themselves and to enable young people to handle this issue in everyday life. We also explored the impact of different roles of young people and their impact on personal and professional development, the impact of political, social and cultural life on each individual, and to examine their role (responsibilities and rights) in this process. This is also particularly important regarding the climate change because "it is something happening somewhere else, not here" so we addressed issues like this too.GREEN CHOICE The aim of this project is to allow youngsters to plan different project ideas or green entrepreneurshp ideas which they can implement back at home. They will be facilitated during the YE but also back home until the final implementation. The exchange was achieved via informal education emphasizing learning from each other and by experiences. By means of accepting and getting acquainted with different cultures and customs as well as multi-cultural co-operation we would like the participants to become more aware on what is their strenght and what can they do for better tomorrow for them and others, and to take matter into their own hands and take action. We are raising awareness of the importance of small actions and their proaction in not only in their own life and their communities but for the better future of a changing Europe and all its inhabitants.One of our senior traners have written a book for young kids on this thematic We have taken part in cleaning of the banks of our rivers and ponds in the region. We are very active in making young people aware of their own impact when it comes to ecology and "gren thinking". We have also applied and were awarded several partnerships where we teach youngsters and support them while they are developing their "green" ideas and also entrepreneurship in this field.

Associação Nó Górdio (PORTUGAL)
Nó Górdio is an association founded in 2015.
The purpose of the association is to provide services of a moral, cultural and material nature to persons and groups that lack them, developing activities to protect children, youth, the elderly, the family and the community, pursuing their well-being through solidarity and help. Our Association will develop to the good of the whole
.We promote, organize and develop social activities and / or events, with recreational, formative, cultural, social and competitive purposes.
We promote the exchange and cooperation with national and foreign associations and institutions that pursue objectives identical to those of the association.
We have participated (and we are still participating) in several Erasmus + projects selecting the adequate participants, doing all the preparation of the participants and support them with travel and other issues to implement the projects. We did/do the forward steps to disseminate and divulgate the results of the projects.

G.F. Abela University of Malta Junior College (MALTA)
G.F. Abela Junior College caters for youths coming from all parts of the island (with a population of 400,000) and offers a two-year academic course leading to University. The College currently hosts around 1700 young men and women aged between sixteen and eighteen years. It is the major post-secondary further education institution in Malta which prepares students for tertiary education, and forms part of the University of Malta.
Inclusion is one of the College's major tenets. In fact, students attending the College come from various socio-economic backgrounds. Apart from local students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, this includes students with less opportunity such as migrants, refugees, as well as pupils with special needs. In addition to the formal educational aspects of the learning programs provided, the College is committed to offering a holistic education through various extracurricular activities, which fall under the JC Enrichment Programmes. Social and cultural activities, as well as intercultural education and non-formal education are also implemented as part of these programmes. Such non-formal activities offer the students an all rounded educational experience which cannot be achieved by formal teaching alone. Among others, typical activities relate to sports, drama, music, various art forms, and personal skills formation programs, among which environmental activism, sports and well-being, intercultural education projects etc
The Junior College has an extensive history of engaging in international and EU funded projects, such as Erasmus+ projects. Its dedication to including intercultural and non-formal education by means of project work, is manifested through its internationalization strategy, which is carried out by the JC International Office, providing its services in the direction of realising similar programmes, officially set up on College campus premises since 2004.
More specifically in view of this project application, the Junior College has participated and intiated various Youth Exchange programmes, under the Erasmus+ programme, and previous educational programmes. We have experience in projects focusing on science and environmental education, as well as on themes dealing with sustainability issues.