Poland Pre Activities
Poland Preparation Activities
Selection of the participants
The selection of students for the projectErasmus + ACT BEFORE CLIMATE CHANGE, CHANGE OUR LIFES (ABECCCOL) began with a conversation with the school coorinator. Grade 3 students who are interested in environmental sciences have been selected and will take the exam in geography. Therefore, themes related to the climate are close to them.
After students were selected for the project, they were offered to participate and consent was obtained from their parents to participate in the project.
The students had several meetings with the project coordinator, Magdalena Szewczyk, during which they planned their activities. They prepared presentations of themselves in the form of a poster.
Our next task was to develop the 3 Logo of the project. Two prepared logos won high places and our logo won this competition and became the official logo of the project. https://abeccol.webnode.co.uk/logo-contest-results/
On April 28, 22, as part of the project, students visited the Department of Climatology and Atmospheric Protection of the University of Wrocław under the supervision of Katarzyna Kuzara, where the group was led by Dr. hab. Marek Błaś. In the first part of the visit, they listened to a lecture entitled "How a cave breathes", which reminded them of the information about the construction of the cave, the operation of karst processes and the resulting forms of the relief. They also learned about the microclimate in karst caves, how the air exchange process takes place in them and how it affects the cave fauna. After the lecture, they went to the meteorological garden, where they got acquainted with the construction of measuring devices, their application and the principles of meteorological observations.
The participants of the project participated at CONFERENCE ABOUT CLIMATE. an atmosphere physicist from the University of Warsaw presented the foundations of knowledge about the physical foundations of climate change and its consequences. We got for answers to the questions "why is the atmosphere actually warming?", "How is it that humanity is responsible for the current climate change?" or "what's at stake and how can we stop it?" A specialist in this field associated with the Warsaw University of Technology talks about the enormous impact of energy production and use on the climate, and above all: how to change it. What instead of fossil fuels? RES? Atom? Both? The answer is more complex, but engineer Rajewski expertly and substantively guides us through the meanders of knowledge about energy so that a zero-emission light bulb lights up in our head and everything becomes clear!
We had a fieldwork conducted by the forester He drew our attention to the diversity of the mountain's stand, especially Douglas fir conifers. We saw trees attacked by the bark beetle due to the drought that has been affecting our region for several years. It is a reason of global warming . We observed tress infected by the beetle.
Doctor Marek Błas from the Climatology Department of the University of Wrocław provided us with a raw data about the snow cover in Wrocław in the last 50 years. Under the supervision of Katarzyna Kuzara, the students analyzed the results and summarized them.
Compared to previous periods, the last decade has been exceptionally warm in Poland, as the average annual air temperature was 9.1 ° C. The record for the average annual air temperature in Poland was recorded in 2019 and it was to 9.9 oC. This is an event that deserves attention, because in the entire period of air temperature measurements in Poland from 1781 until 1988, the average annual air temperature never exceeded 10 ° C
In Wrocław in the years 1961-2020, an increase in the average annual air temperature by approx. 2.5oC was recorded. We observe a strong warming of the Polish climate for each of the seasons. The average air temperature in Poland in summer increased by approx. 2 oC in the years 1961-2020. Exactly the same pace of changes was recorded for Wrocław. In the winter season due to the location of our country and the variability of air masses flowing into Poland from various directions. Nevertheless, in the years 1961-1990 in Wrocław a negative average air temperature in winter was recorded (-1 - 0 ° C). In the last decade, this temperature increased to approx. 2° C.
Increase in average annual and seasonal temperatures affects the number of hot days (with temperatures above 30 ° C), which in our city increased from 3.5 to almost 15 days a year.
• While the number of hot days is clearly increasing, the number of frosty days (with the temperature below 0 ° C) is clearly decreasing.
• In Wrocław in the years 1961-1990 there were about 50 such days, so in the last decade there were about 10 such days on average.
• The same is with the number of days of snow cover. In the initial period of the research, there were approx. 45 days, while in 2020 there were only 5 such days. the warmest in the entire measurement period.
We prepared posters as a task in the projects:
During the project we published 3 articles about our activities: on school facebook and school newspaper.
Articles is here: