Activities that has been done before YE in Greece
Participants from all the organizations will be involved in the program through the following procedure:
Planning phase: Planning of the project and of their work has already started among partner organisations. In the planning of the project at the writing phase all organisations with one participant took place and gave their ideas so the project would be compatible with all organisations. The way of planning the activities before the preparation stage will be done by all participants since their initial letters in application of participation will give their idea and after this, they are going to have productive discussions so tο plan all their actions in the other stages (ANNEX 01 and 02).
Preparation stage: Within the preparation phase all organizations will identify the problems that young people face in their local community that can be related to climate change and protection of the environment and also to set goals with participants, meaning that they will have personal goals for this YE, organizational goals and also goals of the partnership with the cooperation of the partners organizations. All the participants youth workers, leaders and the other stakeholders will be involved in the following preparation activities (all preparation activities will be found in ANNEX 01 with the timetable of the program):
I. They will do research to identify environmental problems and solutions in each partner country (to define the problems and see possible solutions of them as they worked in their countries so to get their own ideas at the end to work with them). Also, in their research they will report problems with wastes all over Europe and to find solutions in many situations that they have faced or seen in their local places and personal lives.
II. They will visit places with serious environmental problems or implementation programs for taking care of the situation from wastes.
III. They will get part of the Logo Contest of our program.
IV. They will make posters where they are going to spread their initial ideas about protecting the environment.
V. The webpage of the program will be created from the report of our participants about the whole preparation phase
Participation Phase: All the participants will participate with their ideas in a lot of discussions, and they are going to have their own ideas implemented in a lot of activities with Non-Formal Education methodologies where we will guide them to give their own ideas in green entrepreneurship and make an initial design of their own green plans and they will try to implement part of their ideas. The way that we build the whole program is to give to the participants space with some key points so to work and discuss a lot about their ideas. Also, they will provide their cultures through intercultural activities that there are in the program of the YE.